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Story of Mangos Design

Founded by Manita Gosai, Designed by Manita Gosai and Supported by You.
Straight out of education I landed my first graphic design job for a stationery wholesaler. Here is where I actually learnt all my design skills. I spent 12 years in this company and gained extensive knowledge. I finally came to a point where I wanted to use all this knowledge and skills to apply it in a different way, in a way that I wasn't able to do so before. To design and sell stationery that I am passionate about.

The journey

As I walked around various shops to get inspired, I kept getting drawn to the wedding stationery (I have been in and out of the events industry for about 21 years as a hobby/weekend job). Here is where I noticed there weren't any physical planners for an Indian wedding. I remembered some problems that my cousins and friends were having with existing wedding planners, it was then clear to me where I had to start and what I had to do.
Mangos Design
I asked cousins and friends for pictures of their planners and I was not surprised at all with what they showed me. Some ladies made their own sections in notebooks but were still confused and couldn't find their own information.

Amazon purchase.
Lack of sections therefore all the bride's information was everywhere and muddled up.

Ring binder.
Big, bulky, messy, unattractive. Need I go on?

I started designing.
I was glued to my desk for 3-4 months. I gave up my family life and social life but it was all totally worth it.
If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way and do it.
Samples arrived and a photoshoot began for the website and social media.

Planners got checked off and mass production was done, now it's finally here and I was so bloody excited. I had neighbours peering out from behind their curtains and others coming out to ask questions and to help.


Carrying those boxes into the house
were a workout in itself.
My gym workout was done for that week.
My arms were hurting so much.

5th July ..... LAUNCH DAY!

Mangos Design is passionate about helping future brides and grooms plan their big week with reduced stress and to create their perfect wedding stationery. This is not the only area Mangos will focus on and so, I am excited for what is in store for Mangos future.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all my customers that have bought the planners and other related products. Thank you to those who have followed Mangos on all the different social media platforms that we have signed up to. And last but definitely not the least, thank you to those who have trusted me and my design skills to help build their own brand identity and business stationery.
I will forever be grateful. You have made Mangos into what it is now. I am so excited for what's ahead!
Continue the journey with Mangos Design by signing up to the mailing list.

P.S. For those who have asked and/or maybe thinking "why Mangos? how did you come up with that for a business/brand name?"
Well, it's very simple. It's the first three letters of my first name and the first three letters of my surname and placed them together.
Happy shopping!
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